Are you ready to learn how to teach your dog to high-five? My dog takes this very seriously.

Let me tell you a very quick story…

Last year, my cousins came to visit and my dog was very excited to see them.

As soon as they walked in, he started jumping and spinning in circles. I told him to calm down and asked if he wanted to show off his high-five skills. He immediately raised his paw and gave my cousin a high-five, and we all burst out laughing!

Throughout the visit, my dog continued to high-five everyone who came through the door. It was like he was a professional greeter at a fancy hotel!

But the funniest moment was when my cousin tried to give my dog a fist bump instead of a high-five. My dog just looked at him and refused to bump his paw. Lol

Anyway… time to teach your dog how to high-five as well! Follow the thread.

First thoughts

When it comes to teaching your dog how to high-five, patience is key. Dogs learn at their own pace, so some may take longer than others to master this trick. But with consistency and effort, your dog can learn to high-five like a pro.

  1. Find a peaceful area where your dog won’t be interrupted.
  2. Teach this skill with tasty treats like cheese or hot dogs.
  3. Give your dog a special treat for this feat.
  4. Do you have other dogs? If your dog is getting distracted, try to teach them how to ignore other dogs.

Encourage Your Dog to Try for a Treat

When teaching your dog to high-five, it’s important to let them figure it out for themselves.

Start by holding a treat just above your dog’s nose and then slowly slide your palm to the right. As your dog shifts their weight to their right paw, say “yes” and give them the treat if they raise its left paw.

Avoid the common mistake of immediately grabbing your dog’s paw.

This can be confusing and frightening for your furry friend, especially if they have sensitive paws. Instead, encourage them to raise their paw and touch your fist without getting up from their sitting position.

By holding a treat in your hand in front of your dog’s nose, you can help them associate the action with the reward

A woman teach her dogs how to high five

Don’t lose your temperament

Keep patience, but reward him when he does the trick properly.

It’s important to make sure your dog stays in a sitting position during the high-five training exercise. If your pet gets up, stands, or places both paws on your fist, gently reset them back to the beginning of the exercise.

At first, some dogs may struggle with this step. But with enough repetition, they’ll get the hang of it. Keep practicing until your dog consistently lifts their paw off the floor every time you move the treat to the right of its nose.

If your dog has been trained before, this is probably going to be easy. If you want to know more about general dog training, we recommend you check THIS POST later, ok?

Take a Break and Repeat the Previous Step

If your dog becomes bored or tired and refuses to cooperate during the training session, don’t force them to continue. This can happen at any point in the training process. Take a break and try again later in the day.

While repeating the command “high five,” hold your hand palm-down in front of your dog with your thumb pointing towards them. Allow your dog to sniff your hand to locate the treat, as not allowing them to do so can lead to boredom.

Eventually, your dog will become bored with this and start pawing at your palm. When this happens, say “high five,” tap their paw with your hand, and reward them as soon as they follow your command.

Repeat the Step Without a Treat

Once your dog has mastered the high five trick with a treat, start repeating the process without a treat in your hand. Continue to use the same hand motion and command, rewarding your dog with praise and affection when they complete the trick.

Repeat this process until your dog responds consistently to the command without the presence of a treat.

Give him your hand for a high five

When your puppy repeatedly touches your fist with his paw, you can show him your “high-five hand”. Don’t move your palm until his paw touches it.

You’ll need to wait for him to realize the link before you can do anything about it. Motivate him by letting him sniff the treat crumbs on your palm or hiding a tiny piece between your fingertips. Treat him as soon as his paw touches your palm to increase his motivation.

Introduce a verbal cue

Put in a verbal signal to identify the process. Say “paw” or something similar before offering your hand to your dog, and then hold it out for him to contact. Keep repeating it until your pal touches your hand. Five to seven iterations are recommended, and commend your pooch on its progress each time.

Practice makes perfect

Continue training until your dog has mastered the high-five trick. Even if you think they have it down after just one day, keep practicing for a few more days to ensure they have a solid understanding.

Key takeaways

Teaching your furry friend a fun trick like the high five can be an exhilarating experience for both of you. Not only is it a cute trick that’s sure to impress your friends and family, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your canine companion.

So, how do you embark on this delightful journey of getting those paws up in a high five position?

Firstly, start in a quiet environment to minimize distractions. Hold a treat in your open hand and let your dog see it.

Now, here’s the trick: instead of giving it to them, close your fist around the treat and wait.

Your dog’s natural curiosity will lead them to nudge your hand. The moment your dog touches your hand with their paw, reward them with the treat and heaps of praise.

Now, let’s elevate the game. Transition your hand position to an open hand with your palm facing up. This is crucial for them to understand the difference between a regular ‘paw’ command and the high five.

Every time your dog successfully mimics the high five position, reward them. Repetition is key. Before you know it, they’ll be consistently high fiving with gusto!

Remember, patience is paramount.

Every dog learns at their own pace. Turn the training sessions into a fun way to spend quality time with your pet. Celebrate the small victories and don’t get disheartened if they don’t get it right away.

In the grand tapestry of dog tricks, the high five stands out as a blend of charm and camaraderie. So, the next time you want to celebrate a moment with your dog, just put out your hand and watch them meet you halfway with an enthusiastic high five!


Now that you how to teach a dog to high-five why not teach them other things? We have a full article (Dog Training Mastery: Stop Bad Behaviors Fast) about dog training. You should take a look. See you there!

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