Looking for a short answer? A dog can typically survive without drinking water for about three to five days.

Here for the full answer. It depends on various factors such as age, health, activity level, and environmental conditions.

You will understand that our pets are not very different from humans when we speak about the necessity of water.

As a responsible pet owner, it’s important to ensure that your canine friend is well-hydrated at all times. While it’s easy to overlook, proper hydration is essential for a healthy dog’s body to function properly.

But have you ever wondered how long a dog can go without water before experiencing mild dehydration or even becoming severely dehydrated?

Check these factors

The answer to this question depends on a few different factors, such as the age and overall health of your dog.

As a general rule of thumb, an average adult dog can go without water for about 24-48 hours before becoming severely dehydrated. However, this can vary depending on the individual dog’s size, activity level, and the weather conditions they are exposed to.


Age is a crucial factor when determining a dog’s water needs. Puppies and older dogs are more prone to dehydration than adult dogs. This is because puppies have higher metabolic rates than adult dogs and require more water to sustain their growth and energy levels. Senior dogs, on the other hand, tend to have a decreased sense of thirst and may not drink enough water to meet their needs


A dog’s health is another significant factor that affects its water requirements. Dogs with certain health conditions, such as kidney disease, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism, require more water than healthy dogs. For example, dogs with kidney disease need more water to flush toxins out of their bodies and maintain kidney function.

Sometimes even some temporary health conditions are relevant such as after surgery.

a dog playing with water

Activity level

Activity level also plays a significant role in determining a dog’s water needs. Dogs that are more active or spend more time outdoors require more water to stay hydrated. According to the American Kennel Club, active dogs need up to 2.5 times more water than sedentary dogs.

Environmental conditions

Environmental conditions also have an impact on a dog’s water needs. Dogs living in hot or dry environments require more water than dogs living in cooler or more humid areas. For example, a dog living in a hot and dry climate requires two to four times more water than a dog living in a cooler climate.


Larger dogs may need more water than smaller dogs.

Body Weight

A dog’s weight can affect its water needs, with heavier dogs typically needing more water than lighter dogs.

Additionally, consider incorporating wet food or hydrated food into their diet to help increase their liquid intake. If you notice your dog is drinking less water than usual, exhibiting excessive panting, or showing signs of lethargy, it could be a sign of an underlying health condition.

Considerations about surviving without water

It is important to note that breed is not usually a factor in determining how long a dog can go without water.

However, certain breeds may be more prone to specific health conditions that can affect their water needs. For example, brachycephalic breeds, such as bulldogs and pugs, may have difficulty breathing, which can impact their water intake.

If you are a dog owner, it is essential to remember that keeping your pet hydrated is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Dehydration can lead to serious health problems, such as kidney failure, heat stroke, and even death. To avoid this, make sure your dog has access to clean and fresh water at all times, especially during hot weather, after exercise, or long travels.

A healthy dog needs water to maintain proper blood flow and circulation, which is critical for its vital organs to function properly. The amount of water your dog needs depends on various factors such as their size, activity level, and the climate they live in.

Keep your Dog drinking water

As a general rule of thumb, your dog should drink about an ounce of water per pound of body weight each day to stay healthy.

If your dog does not have access to water, it may begin to experience mild dehydration within a few hours. Signs of dehydration can include a dry nose, sunken eyes, and lethargy. Without proper hydration, your dog is also more susceptible to urinary tract infections and other health issues.

In extreme cases, a dog can go without water for only a few days before experiencing severe dehydration, which can lead to serious health consequences. As a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your dog has access to clean and fresh water at all times to prevent any dehydration-related issues. Do NOT use uncommon methods such as using a straw.

Signs of dehydration in dogs include dry gums, sunken eyes, lethargy, loss of appetite, and dark urine.

Recommendations for a healthy dog

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, take them immediately to a veterinarian. Only a veterinarian can diagnose the underlying cause of your dog’s dehydration and provide proper treatment such as administering fluids to help rehydrate your dog and addressing any health conditions that may be contributing to their dehydration.

If you suspect your dog is not able to properly drink or is becoming dehydrated, it’s important to contact your vet immediately.

How do you hydrate a dog that won’t drink?

Offer your dog water mixed with a low-sodium broth or wet food to encourage hydration. If the issue persists, consult a veterinarian for a thorough examination.

Is a dog OK without water overnight?

It’s generally safe for a healthy dog to go without water overnight. However, ensure they have access to water during the day and consult a vet if you have concerns about your dog’s specific needs. (Source: The Spruce Pets)

Do dogs wake up to drink water?

Dogs may wake up during the night to drink water if they are thirsty. Providing access to fresh water throughout the day and night is essential for their well-being.

Should I push my dog in the water?

No, forcing or pushing a dog into the water can cause distress and potentially lead to a negative association with water. Instead, use positive reinforcement techniques and patience to gradually introduce them to water. (Source: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

Is a dog dehydrated if they are peeing?

Yes, decreased urine output can indicate dehydration in dogs. However, other symptoms like lethargy, dry gums, and sunken eyes should also be considered. Contact a veterinarian for proper evaluation and treatment.

How do you get a dog to pee when you want?

Establish a consistent routine for bathroom breaks, take your dog outside after meals, exercise, and upon waking. Use positive reinforcement to reward them for urinating outside. Consistency and patience are key. (Source: American Kennel Club)


  1. American Kennel Club. “How Long Can a Dog Go Without Water?”
  2. Merck Veterinary Manual. “Water Balance and Maintenance in Dogs.”
  3. National Research Council (US) Subcommittee on Dog Nutrition. Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats. National Academies Press (US), 2006.

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